Top 12 Foods That Should Never Be Put In The Microwave

The microwave is one of the most comfortable appliances to use every day in the kitchen and works great for cooking or reheating food quickly. However, it is necessary to be a little careful when using it regularly, as some foods should never be placed in it. The reason? Their nutritional values ​​could alter and, in the worst cases, the high temperatures reached in record times risk promoting the release of substances that are dangerous to health: here are the foods that cannot be heated or cooked in the microwave.


Why should potatoes not be reheated in the microwave? When they are left to cool at room temperature and not in the fridge, they generate the ideal conditions for the development of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Unlike the traditional oven, the microwave cannot destroy it, so it could potentially endanger your health.


Mushrooms deteriorate extremely quickly and should be eaten immediately after being harvested, unless you want to find yourself struggling with a terrible stomach ache. Also in this case, leaving them at room temperature favors the proliferation of bacteria that the microwave cannot eradicate. If you want to heat, therefore, it would be better to use a pan or a traditional oven.

Frozen fruits

When you want to defrost fruit, it would be good to simply leave it in the open air, avoiding a passage in the microwave. The reason? The intense heat not only causes the fruit to lose flavor and texture but also promotes the development of harmful and carcinogenic substances.

Breast milk and baby food

Baby milk, whether maternal or powdered, should never be reheated in the microwave, even if it is the quickest solution. Not only this does not destroy potential bacteria but often, even if the bottle is cold to the touch, the milk reaches high temperatures that could burn the baby’s tongue and throat.


Chicken is the type of meat that is more susceptible to bacterial contamination such as Salmonella or Campylobacter. These can only be destroyed at high temperatures and with uniform cooking, so it is advisable to avoid the microwave for both reheating and cooking. The microwave waves, in fact, do not go beyond 2 cm in depth, cooking the rest of the product by induction. Therefore, it is not excluded that the bacteria can survive. Order chicken from FreshToHome and get 100% fresh & chemical free chicken.

📌 Further reading:

Top 10 best grill microwaves
Top 10 best convection microwaves
Top 10 best microwave ovens


Whole eggs are among the foods that should never be cooked in the microwave as they explode. However, if you really don’t have time for “traditional” cooking, you need to immerse them in a container full of water or slightly pierce the yolk, so that the steam can escape without creating a dangerous pressure.


The rice should be eaten immediately after cooking or kept in the fridge. If left at room temperature, it would be best to reheat it in the oven or pan and not in the microwave. The reason? It tends to encounter the proliferation of bacteria that release toxic substances, causing intestinal disorders. The heat of the microwave is insufficient to neutralize them.

Chili pepper

Chilli is not suitable for cooking in the microwave because the electromagnetic waves modify the capsaicin, which is the substance that makes it spicy. The latter becomes more aggressive on the palate and, given that the heat makes it evaporate, it risks ending up in the eyes when the door is opened.

Celery, asparagus, spinach

These vegetables and all other green leafy vegetables contain high concentrations of nitrate molecules, substances that tend to become carcinogenic when exposed to ultraviolet rays. It is therefore clear that we must avoid cooking or heating them in the microwave, so as not to encounter potential health problems.


Beets keep their nutritional properties unchanged even with prolonged cooking but it is necessary to prepare everything in a pot or in the oven. The microwave, in fact, favors the release of nitrites, highly harmful substances for health.


The meat can simply be defrosted in the microwave but for cooking it is necessary to opt for another method, so as to destroy the bacteria that could be proliferated inside. The same thing goes for frankfurters and hot dogs, whose exposure to ultraviolet rays could favor the onset of health problems.


Do you need to cook certain foods quickly? Even if the microwave seems to be the most tempting solution, it doesn’t always adapt to your needs. Mentioned above are the foods that should never be cooked or heated inside to avoid domestic inconveniences and health problems.

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Written By Shubham Sharma

I am a passionate food enthusiast and kitchen expert with years of experience in cooking and baking. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of various culinary techniques, I enjoys sharing their knowledge and expertise with others, and regularly contributes to food blogs and other online publications.

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